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What Is A Bully?

A bully is a person, group or entity that uses abuse to belittle, control or harm another individual or entity.

10% +

More than 10% of all school-age children between the ages of 5 and 18 have been bullied on more than one occasion


In 2019, about 22% of students ages 12–18 reported being bullied at school during the school year



Age: Ageless
Best Friend: The other dragons
Hobbies: Singing and acting
Favorite Movie: Pan’s Labyrinth

About Bullies:

The four types of abuse a bully uses are emotional, physical, verbal, and Internet (cyber).


More than 10 percent of all school-age children between the ages of 5 and 18 have been bullied on more than one occasion.


People, groups, or entities often bully because they are not happy or are insecure with themselves, and they want others to feel the same way.


A bully will use any means possible to target another person.


Bullies will often select their victims based on the community a person lives in or is from, education, gender, financial status, mental health, physical appearance, race, religion, and sexual orientation.


There are several ways to protect against bullying.

Children should be encouraged to talk to their parents or school authorities when confronted by bullies.

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Dragon Tyrannosaurus Rex
in "Love Me For Who I Am"

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Treatment advice needs to be provided only by YOUR treating physician.

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