Mission Statement: MircleKid is dedicated to helping individuals better understand the special needs population, which includes all of us. Our website contains information regarding various special need conditions and lists their statistics. In addition, MircleKid offers guidance as to where and how to find treatments for these problems.
Celiac Disease

Dragon Bull Dog
Special Need: Celiac Disease
Best Friend: The other dragons
Birthday: Ageless
Hobbies: Exploring and Tracking
Favorite Movie: Under Dog
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NAME OF CONDITION: a disease in which the small intestine, a portion of your colon is hypersensitive to gluten. This leads to difficulty digesting food. Gluten is found in cereal grains, rye, and barley, that is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. Gluten is found in many everyday foods. It is on or the most common conditions in children.
NUMBER OF CHILDREN/PEOPLE AFFECTED: About one in 100 children has celiac disease, and about 3 million Americans—74 million children below the age of 18.
Symptoms: Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, smelly feces, abdominal pain, headaches, feeling tired, skin problems, depression, unexplained weight loss. Depression. …
See your pediatrician
Prognosis: Avoid gluten